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Showing posts from March, 2018

Printed Material

Views on the Meaning of Human Life I used this IM with the Grade 12 students of Tinajero High School during my demo teaching. My lesson was on Human Beings as Oriented towards their Impending Death. Aside from my Tarpapel (you can read about it in another post), I used this printed material and gave each student and my observers a copy. It contains 3 views of the meaning of human life by 2 philosophers and a succesful doctor.  I thought of giving each student a copy to give them a deeper impression of these philosophies. besides, i had them take the copies home so they can reflect on them more; or they can share it with their friends or family. 


I used this IM during my demo teaching with DepEd on March 5, 2018 at Tinajero High School in Magalang, Pampanga. I made a PowerPoint presentation of my lesson, but I was told that I had to bring my own projector to be able to present it. I don't have a projector so I had to think of another way to present the lesson to the class in a way that would still be engaging. Good thing my Grade 6 daughter recently told me about "tarpapel" which one of her classmates shared to her. Just days ago she made her own tarpapel. So I thought why not use her idea in my demo teaching? So there I was being tutored by my daughter how to make my IM. Here are the steps to make a tarpapel. 1. Open your PowerPoint presentation. Then save it as jpeg. 2.  When prompted with the following question, click every slide. Then you will see this dialog box. This means that your slides have been saved as pictures. 3. Open a new excel workbook. 4. Change the